Thursday, September 24, 2009

Access denied!

So I found this cool way to get out in big surf.......

and it was working so well

that I did it a couple of times

then  this happened...........                                                 (Sequence by Grant Myrdal.)


Blown Off Shore said...

It's good to get slapped around by the big blue every once in a while.

Foul Pete said...
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turtle said...

Humility is the greatest teacher. A humble reminder of who's really in charge. Hope the barnacles didn't get ya too bad.

Chum said...

Damn that had to sting the Stinger. See, if Mabile actually surfed in Oregon that would have never happened. ;)

Nash said...

Classic! I had a an experience not unlike that on a bigger day at a spot with a bit of a hike in.

Wave Farmer said...

Maybe if you got a haircut you'd be more streamlined...
You did have a determined set of jaw during your walk...
Did you come out unscathed?
Word veri is "ME LIKE"...
(Without the space)
That's not made up...Ha!

Gaz said...

Not a scratch on me, a small indentation on the Larmo stinger(he forgot the jetpack install that I asked for), slightly bruised ego, that has healed btw......

Gaz said...

If anything did deserve...... I can't argue against it.

Doughboy said...

There is a surf company in Baja. I see their shirts and bumper stickers whenever I am down there, which is to make it sound like I am there every other weekend when I am in fact not, however the name of the company is Die Trying. I think we should get you a shirt.

David J. Hirsh said...

It's hard to tell from that last shot but are you actually laughing at yourself? You are one healthy dude.