Thursday, May 24, 2007

Mr. Shaggy

Bow hunting bears? I'd rather spend the afternoon dodging triple overhead sneaker sets. Solo hunting in the high country before the spring thaw, no thanks!? Takes huevos. The guy sitting next to you in the lineup may do things in his spare time that will blow you away.

This giant ruled the terrain for miles around, he has had few rivals in recent years. A clean shot from 15 yards away kills him quickly, but not before he spins around looking for the source of his pain. Ready to rip apart that source. Dominant primal anger ready to close the space between you and him.

Uuuuuh no thanks.

To get out and stalk these beasts with a bow and arrow, miles from other humans and then come back feeling humbled by the experience of taking the biggest one in the entire area? There isn't a much purer form of hunting.


Mick said...

It would take a lot of balls.
Granted. But why not leave him wandering about, sniffing out some tucker.
Unless he's chasing people about isn't that a better way to go? (Especially for the bear)

Wave Farmer said...

I think hunting should be done with a knife...that's why my prey is pre-packaged food products.

Gaz said...

Mick, I realize people have strong reactions to hunting in general. However I support controlled hunting in almost all forms (the exception being canned hunts).

Chum said...

As long as you eat the meat.

Gaz said...

Worry about cleaning the food off your own plate..........

Wave Farmer said...

What's more controlled than being physiologically programmed to remain within a specific habitat only to have a vastly more intelligent life form fire a dart into your heart from a safe distance?

I like my knife idea better...I think I might have a chance at bringing down an unsuspecting dairy cow in Tillamook...but worry about them defeating me with overpowering stench...thus I will continue to hunt packages of sunflower seeds in gas station food mart...I did get a wicked plastic cut the other day.

See? Even that has its risks...

Wave Farmer said...

Not to go on and on...

But in all seriousness...

Sorry he got murdered...

What else would you call it?

If you were the bear...

Gaz said...

You're killing me!

Wave Farmer said...

I wouldn't even hunt you!