We have 'em all in the bordello today Meester! Big bottom, little bottom. No fins, one... two.... three and four fin. Let's not forget the 5 fin, but you need to have the urge for that, it's a very special. Even one that likes the stick! Old ones, new ones. Pretty ones and ugly ones, come on in Senor.....
Oooooh no, that one there is not for you sir!
personal preference aside, they're all fun when you're riding them
where's the wahine board?
quite a fine quiver there sir.
Really like the big gun in the front
doesn't that brown Tyler belong to someone else?
Whats the difference between those 2 quads? I see ones a Mandalla. What's the other? Looks nice.
Yup, they're all fun. Not a bad board in the bunch, cept mebbe the Killuh at bottom. She broke Ding's nose on a 2ft day for no reason cepting he was there!
Finger, the yellow longboard you arse!
Ras, thanks for outing me man! See my next blog update.
Dub, that's the 6ft EChristianson.
the tyler is MONEY
whats going on with the sunburst gun ... widow maker?
8' Harbor, was featured in Longboard Mag under the feet of Terry Simms, could be a widowmaker, it fits alot of the criteria..... really comfortable in big surf.
nice. thanks for the reply. really dig your blog.
how big is the bonzer? i have a 6 3 light vehicle, that goes mental in a very specific wave type. (which doesn't happen often in ny)
you need a twin keel friend!
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